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LinkPoint Connect: Desktop Plus

About LinkPoint Connect: Desktop Plus Edition

Desktop Plus Edition provides all of the view, record, create, and sync functionalily of LinkPoint Connect plus additional tools that enhance the business value of sales interactions. The Meeting Recap feature captures critical meeting intel from sales reps via a dedicated mobile app and integration within the LinkPoint Connect Side Panel.

Desktop Plus Edition improves sales rep productivity by making meeting feedback a part of their natural sales process while adding very few obstacles for adoptin within the teams. Integration with Salesforce eliminates the need to return to the CRM to manually enter data. And the data captured fits the format you need and matches the content you want within your organization.

  • Desktop Plus Edition makes it simple and seamless for sales reps to sync the information gathered from sales meetings into Salesforce as soon as the meeting ends and in the exact format the company wants.
  • Organizations choose quick-to-answer, standardized questions based on the details important to how they do business with opportunities nad existing clients.
  • Sales reps provide answers in just minutes via mobile device or integrated desktop tools.
  • The Meeting Recap feature sends the data to the related records in Salesforce for review and reporting.

About the Website

The website is designed as a portal for Desktop Plus Edition Admins. Here, Admins can create question decks, design answer picklists, invite end users, and assign users to specific teams. Desktop Plus Edition Admins are provided login credentials from the LinkPoint360 Professional Services Team.

As end users are invited to use Desktop Plus Edition, the system sends automated invitation emails with links to register their information and download the mobile application. End users will access the portal to input their Salesforce credentials and establish the Desktop Plus integration. Moving forward, end users will work primarily from the mobile application or desktop integration in the LinkPoint Connect Side Panel.

For more information about Desktop Plus Edition, please contact your Account Executive.

About LinkPoint360

Desktop Plus Edition is one of several software editions provided by LinkPoint360. For more information, visit the LinkPoint360 website.